Creative Visualisation.

Using your garden of tranquility

The garden of tranquility that your created can be used in many ways. It could just be a tranquil place to go to relax for a short while. However, it is much more useful than that. It can be used to help you on your spiritual journey. The reason that you are here on this planet is to learn about your Self and thus grow spiritually. Your garden can help you to understand spiritual concepts. You can use your garden to help you in your meditations.


  1. A tranquil place Just follow the directions in Creating a personalised garden of tranquility and lie down in a comfortable place in your garden and enjoy the peace and tranquility. You could lie beside the stream and listen to it gently bubbling over the stones. Or you could just sit beside the pond and gaze at the smooth surface of the water. You could sit with your back against a tree. Wherever you decide to be in your garden should be a place that feels comfortable to you. After a short time return to the physical world as described in Creating a personalised garden of tranquility and get on with your physical life in the physical world. Remember - You came into this physical world to have experiences that you cannot have in the spiritual world. From these experiences you can learn about your Self. If you spend a lot of your time not in the physical world then you are denying yourself the opportunities that you came here to learn.
  2. Meditations Follow the directions in Creating a personalised garden of tranquility and sit with your back against a tree looking at the surface of the pond. Remember to keep breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Be as relaxed as possible. Whatever meditation you have decided on should be done now. Then when you are finished return to the physical world as described above.
  3. Visualisation practice Follow the directions in Creating a personalised garden of tranquility and move to a place in the garden where you feel comfortable. It should be somewhere with an open area of short grass upon which you can create your visualisations. You can sit or stand as you wish but you should be comfortable and relaxed. Start by visualising some birds for you garden. Try to imagine them being very brightly coloured and don't worry if they do not represent actual bird species, this is your garden and they can be anyway you desire. They can be small or large. They can be flightless or able to fly; it is up to you. After you have seen them, make them disappear or change them into the next one. Once you have tired of creating birds move on to something else. Here is a small list of some things to give you an idea but it can be anything that you feel comfortable with.
    • Other animals
    • Tables
    • Chairs
    • Bottles
    • Plates
    • Cutlery
    • Food
    You can even create bridges over your little stream. Continue to practice creating in your garden as long as you like. While you are doing this, you are using your most powerful tool - your imagination. When you have had enough of this practice bring yourself back to the physical world as described above.
  4. Meeting your spiritual guide/guides Follow the directions in Creating a personalised garden of tranquility and go to a place that is comfortable to you. Call to your guides and ask one or more of them to visit you in your garden. When your guide/guides appear you can ask them questions to help you on your spiritual path. They are like the best friends that you ever had. They will not do things for you but they are here to help you to do things for yourself. They want to communicate with you and they can tell you where you are going wrong and the kind of things that you should be doing to put things back on track. You can ask them your life theme. You can ask them how many guides you brought with you in this lifetime. You can ask them what you are here to learn in this lifetime. There are lots of other questions that you can ask them but do not be too upset if they do not answer all of your questions or if they do not give the answer that you expect. When asking your questions try to keep them as simple and short as possible. Your questions must not be ambiguous. Your guides are not here to help you to win the lottery so don't even bother with that. When you have had enough communication with your guide/guides, thank them and say goodbye and return to the physical world as described above.
  5. Using the waterfall Follow the directions in Creating a personalised garden of tranquility
  6. and go to the place in your garden where you can see the water tumbling gently out of the pond into the small stream. The interface between the smooth water of the pond and the waterfall is a place of magic. It is not really magic but it seems as such in that you can do things there that will have an effect in the real world. You are continually creating your reality in your own real world anyway so this is just a way of doing it consciously and in a positive way. What you do is :-
    1. Create a visualisation of something as in (3) above.
    2. See it rising up in the air and moving towards the waterfall.
    3. See it moving towards the interface between the smooth water of the pond and the broken water of the waterfall.
    4. See it disappearing into this point on the waterfall.
    5. As it disappears know that it is now in your real world and coming to you.
    You can do this with objects that you want in your life but you can also do it to change a situation in your life that you do not like. All you do is visualise the new situation in as much detail as possible and send that situation (I put it in a bubble) into the waterfall. Once you have finished return to the physical world as described above.

These are just a sample of the ways that you can use your garden. As you become more used to these techniques you will find that you want to create your own uses and that is then the time to do just that. Enjoy your garden and keep it a happy and positive place to be. Always know that nothing and no-one can enter there without your permission and that your creative power is 100% in this garden so if you do not like something then just change it.


If you would like to tell me about your own spiritual experiences then please send your emails to me here

If you would like to ask my advice about your spiritual growth or experiences then please send your emails to me here