Creative Visualisation - Safe House.


Under the stairs is a door to the basement. In the basement there can be as many rooms as you like. However, there are at least 2 rooms that are of use to you. One is your 'store room' and the other is your 'cellar'.


  1. Your store room This is a very brightly lit room where you store all of the spiritual concepts upon which you have built your world. Your whole belief system is here. If something is working for you then it is because of a concept that you have stored here. If anything is going wrong in your life then it is because one or more of the concepts stored here is working against you. These are the concepts that you should be re-examining. All of your concepts are kept in boxes in your store room. The white boxes contain concepts that are working for you and the black boxes contain the ones that are not working for you, or worse, are working against you. Most of the black boxes will be easy to find but some will be away at the back of the store room as they have been there for a very long time. The boxes nearest the door are the recent additions and the ones furthest from the door are the oldest. It is often these oldest concepts that can cause the most problems in our lives. However, once we bring them into the light and examine them we can see how they are inaccurate, mistaken etc. and we can change them.
    1. Just follow the directions in Creating a safe house / retreat and once inside the house move to the door under the stairs.
    2. Open the door and walk down the short flight of stairs to the basement corridor.
    3. The first two doors that you see have signs on them. One says 'Cellar' and the other says 'Store Room'. Open the store room door and walk in.
    4. As you walk in you see racks of shelves which all contain boxes. Most of them are white but some are black. The white ones contain the concepts that are working well in your life but the black ones are not doing well for you. Open one of the nearest black ones and see what is inside.
    5. Whatever is inside will represent a concept that is not working for you. Examine it carefully and try to ascertain what it represents.
    6. You now know that this concept is not working for you so replace it with an alternative concept. This will usually be the opposite of whatever was in the box but could just be a slight alteration. You will know if you have chosen a new concept that will work for you because as you put the concept back into the black box, the box will transform to a white box.
    7. You should now leave the store room and go back up the stairs to the ground floor.
    8. Leave the house and return to the physical world as described in Creating a safe house / retreat and get on with your physical life in the physical world.
    9. You should spend at least the rest of the day and the next thinking about the new concept and how it should be improving your life.
    10. Wait at least a week before going back to examine another black box.
    11. Each time you return to the store room you will have to go further into the room to find black boxes and the ones at the back are the ones that you may find most difficulty in parting with as you have held these concepts for a very long time. However, you know that if they are in black boxes then they are not helping you and need to be brought into the light and examined carefully and then changed to a concept that will work for you.

  2. Your cellar This is where the foundations of your house are found. If you are in the process of doing something big in your life such as studying to be a doctor or training to be a plumber or electrician etc. then it is important to know for whom you are doing it. To find out follow these steps<./li>
    1. Just follow the directions in Creating a safe house / retreat and once inside the house move to the door under the stairs.
    2. Open the door and as you walk down the short flight of stairs to the basement corridor think about the situation in your life that you are doing that you want to find out about. For example studying, training for a job, moving house.
    3. The first two doors that you see have signs on them. One says 'Cellar' and the other says 'Store Room'.
    4. Stand in front of the cellar door and think this to yourself "the person I see in this room is 'the person I am doing it for'".
    5. Open the cellar door and see the person standing there - say nothing to them.
    6. Close the door and make your way back up the stairs to the ground floor
    7. Leave the house and return to the physical world as described in Creating a safe house / retreat and get on with your physical life in the physical world.
    8. You should have seen yourself behind the door. If you saw anyone else then you have to ask why you are living your life for someone else. You came into this life for yourself; to learn about yourself and grow spiritually, not to live your life for someone else. Your whole purpose of this life could be in jeopardy if you do not live your life for yourself.
    9. You can use this technique to find out about anything that you are doing in your life.

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    If you would like to ask my advice about your spiritual growth or experiences then please send your emails to me here