Creative Visualisation - Safe House.

Ground Floor

There can be as many doors on your ground floor as you like but there are at least 4 that are of use to you. Three of them lead to rooms and one opens onto a corridor. If you just want a place to relax then there is your lounge where you can also do meditations etc. You have a library where you can go to learn from the knowledge stored there. If you want to meet with other souls then you can use the meeting room. You also have a door which leads to an endless corridor. This corridor is full of doors which lead you to your life's experiences. You can, of course, have as many rooms and as many corridors as you wish.


  1. Your lounge is a place to go to when you want to relax. It can be used for meditation or just to have a relaxing place to think about things.
    1. Follow the directions in Creating a safe house / retreat and when you are in the hall look to your right and you will see a door with a sign on it saying 'Lounge'.
    2. Open the lounge door and look about. Notice the size of the room, the carpet, the walls, the couches and soft comfortable chairs, the table and the hard upright chairs. The room is warm but not hot and there are no draughts.
    3. Choose a comfortable place to sit and sit down and relax.
    4. You can now just stay there relaxing or you can use your time there to meditate etc. It is your lounge and you can put it to whatever use you desire but remember that it is always to be a place of relaxation. There are plenty of other rooms where you can be more active.
    5. After a short time return to the physical world as described in Creating a safe house / retreat and get on with your physical life in the physical world. Remember - You came into this physical world to have experiences that you cannot have in the spiritual world. From these experiences you can learn about your Self. If you spend a lot of your time not in the physical world then you are denying yourself the opportunities that you came here to learn.

  2. Your library is a room full of books that you can read. Each book is different but the subject of each is spiritual in nature and what you see on the pages will depend on your level of advancement. If you have a spiritual question that you would like answered then this is one way of getting an answer. You want to learn about a spiritual topic.
    1. Follow the directions in Creating a safe house / retreat and when you are in the hall look to your left and you will see a door with a sign on it saying 'Library'.
    2. Open the library door and look around. Notice that the walls are completely covered in shelves of books and that there is a long table surrounded by hard-backed chairs and that there is a comfortable sofa and comfortable chairs. The room is well lit and warm but not hot and there are no draughts.
    3. Pick a comfortable place to sit and relax there.
    4. Think of a question that you would like answered or a topic that you would like to know about.
    5. Walk to the wall nearest you and look for the book which is protruding out of the row of books on that shelf. Remove that book from the row and return with it to where you were sitting.
    6. Open this book anywhere and your answer or the topic will be there.
    7. Depending on your level of advancement you will see different things. Some people will see pictures, others will see words as in most books and others will see moving pictures as in a movie.
    8. Whatever you see will be what you most need to see at this point and as an answer to your question or to illustrate the topic that your wanted to know about.
    9. All of the wisdom of the Universe is here and with practice you should be able to learn a lot that is of use to you. Remember, that if you are ready to ask the question then your are ready to learn the answer.
    10. After you have had enough of your library for that visit return to the physical world as described in Creating a safe house / retreat and get on with your physical life in the physical world.

  3. Your meeting room is a place to meet with people who have passed on from this life and are in the spirit world. It is important to state here that only those that you specifically invite can come here but that they may choose not to come. They have free will, as you do, and they may choose to exercise that free will by not meeting with you. However, it is unusual that they would not wish to communicate with you, especially if they are loved ones who have passed on. Any soul, not in a physical body can be invited into this room by you and when you want them to leave they must leave. Remember, just because a soul has passed on does not mean that they have necessarily become more spiritual.
    1. Follow the directions in Creating a safe house / retreat and when you are in the hall look to your right and you will see a door a little further in than the lounge with a sign on it saying 'Meeting Room'.
    2. Open the meeting room door and look about. Notice the size of the room, the carpet, the walls, the couches and soft comfortable chairs, the table and the hard upright chairs. The room is warm but not hot and there are no draughts.
    3. Choose a comfortable place to sit, close your eyes, and think of the person that you want to invite.
    4. See them, as you remember them, think of their name and with a feeling of love in your heart call to them saying, "Dear Name please come here to this room to meet with me".
    5. Open your eyes and the person should be there. If they are not then you could try calling them again but if they do not come do not be too disappointed as they may have chosen not to meet with you for some reason of their own - they do have free will.
    6. If they are there then talk to them for as long as both of you want - you have to both want to continue.
    7. When one or both of you have had enough then say your goodbyes and let them go.
    8. Return to the physical world as described in Creating a safe house / retreat and get on with your physical life in the physical world.
    Some souls that you invite may not yet have realised that they have passed on. You will need to be gentle with these souls in the way that you inform them that they are no longer attached to a physical body. If they have not yet gone back to the light then you could help them by inviting their spiritual guides to come into the room. Their guides will then surround them in white light and take them back to the Universe.

  4. Your endless corridor is a well lit passageway leading away as far as the eye can see. All along this corridor, on both sides are doors. The doors are all shades of grey. The light grey, almost white, doors open to happy, enjoyable experiences and the dark grey almost black door are very unhappy experiences and the other shades correspond according to their colour so a that a mid-grey will be no more happy than unhappy but somewhere in between or equal amounts of both.
    Each door along the left hand side of the corridor opens onto an experience that you have had in this life. The further along that you go the further back into the past you go. The doors along the right hand side of the corridor open onto possible future experiences. The further along the corridor, the further into the future you go. However, these future experiences are only future experiences if things stay the same. As soon as you change anything in your present then the doors lead to different possible experiences. The ones closest are the most probable and the ones furthest away are the least probable. This means that you can go through the same right hand door time after time and encounter different experiences each time.
    1. Follow the directions in Creating a safe house / retreat and when you are in the hall look to your left and you will see a door a little further in than the library which is painted in a multitude of bright colours. This door seems to shine with its own light.
    2. Open the door and look down this long corridor.
    3. Start by walking down the corridor and choosing a door on the left, i.e. the past.
    4. Open the door and walk through and you will start reliving the experience
    5. When you have had enough of the experience say the word "Door" and the door to the corridor will appear in front of you.
    6. Open the door, turn to your left and walk back into the ground floor hallway.
    7. Return to the physical world as described in Creating a safe house / retreat and get on with your physical life in the physical world.
    When you have had some experience with visiting different past events in your life you may want to go through some of the doors on the right-hand side of the corridor. These will be experiences that have not yet happened and my never happen exactly as seen here. The ones furthest down the corridor are least likely but they may be worth a visit to let you see what could be in your future.


If you would like to tell me about your own spiritual experiences then please send your emails to me here

If you would like to ask my advice about your spiritual growth or experiences then please send your emails to me here