White Lighting the World

  1. Everyone stands in a circle with their eyes closed, facing inwards and holding hands.
  2. One person in the group says these words,
  3. "Imagine something which makes you feel happy"
  4. "Feel the happiness as a positive feeling in you stomach"
  5. "Imagine this feeling being constantly fed by healing energy pouring into you from God"
  6. "Imagine this feeling as a growing ball of white light energy"
  7. "Imagine this energy pouring out through your solar plexus into the centre of the circle"
  8. "Your energy is joining with the energy from everyone else in the circle"
  9. "In your mind's eye see the ball of energy in the centre of the circle grow until it fills the whole of the circle with its healing light."
  10. "See it expanding all the time - now it is filling the whole room."
  11. "Now it is filling the whole house."
    "Now it is filling the whole area."
    "Now it is filling the whole town."
    "Now it is filling the whole country."
    "Now it is filling the whole continent."
    "Now it is covering the whole world"
  12. "Imagine yourself way out in space, looking at the world and seeing it surrounded in this healing white light."
  13. "Now see it contracting over the globe to this continent, country, town."
  14. "Now you are back in this room and the light is still contracting - it is now only in this room."
  15. "Now it only fills this circle."
  16. "See it in you minds eye as a ball of white light in the centre of the circle."
  17. "Take it back into yourself and allow it to spread its healing throughout your body."
  18. "Open your eyes."
  19. Go round the circle asking everyone what they experienced and how they feel.


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